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bizzere analysis, media biased and wrong umriring
by Suman Bhat on May 05, 2008 11:18 AM   Permalink

rediff must highlight the one superstar from mumbai not yer played a single ball but alwayes in news..atleast laxman dravid kumble ganguly s are putting en effort
so many young players are performing so well but media and cric expert hadely make any noise about them.
Chocker Shoib akthar who is proven guilty for drug test is joining KKRs for IPL. then why Harbajan should bet such harsh punishment?
Why not some local players like R Bose are not getting chance?
some cric experts who always gave one sided biased comments are now realising their team was not doing well.Pollock is leadign from front and winning match for mumbai but media is still busy one superstar is not fit to play.. media and cric experts should
credit to players / performance when it really due or derseves
is Umpriresmany lbw decisions were wrong why can't ipl body
Pathan is highest wkt taker hardsly mentioned by media or jaffer was criticised by same ppl is performing better and scoring runs consistantly
most underestmated team RRs are on top of table with 10 points
ind media / cric experts really biasedt

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