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We cannot have a team like 1983
by sai krishna on Jun 04, 2008 05:34 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The 1983 team is bestever team we have ever produced team had
1) K.Srikkanth - Batsman.
2) S.M.Gavaskar - Batsman
3) Yashpal Sharma -Batsam
4) Sandeep Patil - ( All rounder)
5) Mohinder Amarnath - ( All rounder)
6) Kapil Dev - (Allrounder)
7) Kirti Azad - ( Allrounder)
8) Madan Lal - ( Allrounder)
9) Roger Binny - (All rounder)
10) S.M.H.Kirmai - ( Wicket keeper & Batsman)
11) Balwinder Singh Sandhu - ( Bowler)

In a team if we have six allrounders that too Dependable allrounders like Captain himself we can win two world cups not one.
In all other Indian teams there is no true alrounder to replace Kapil Dev till now. And we are still struggling to find a genuine allrounder. So there is still lot to be done by BCCI not just pounding money on players but they should also spend money in searching good allrounder. It is very disgusting in a population of over One Billion we could not find a genuine allrounder. I believe players are there in India if only we iradicate politics in Cricket we can be a good cricket tea. Good players like A.Rayudu were frustrated by the politics and joined rebel group only due to poor politics of Shivlal Yadav he want to push his son Arjun Yadav to higher grade victimised Rayudu. This the the state of affairs of Cricket in India.

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  RE:We cannot have a team like 1983
by Gundappa on Jun 04, 2008 06:33 PM   Permalink
Out of your team, only Kapil Dev, Sandeep Patil, Srikkanth, Amarnath, Madan Lal, and Binny were true ODI players. Kirmani was superb wicketkeeper. Rest just clicked at that time, not great ODI players.

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  RE:We cannot have a team like 1983
by Effortless on Jun 05, 2008 06:02 AM   Permalink
You forgot Yashpal Sharma. Though not a big hitter but he was good in rotating the strike and accelarating towards the end. If Yashpal had not played the match winning innings of 89 in the first game against WI which India won in 1983, India would not have qualified. Added to that Yashpal was a brilliant outfielder. The famous catch that Kapil took running 25 yards, could also have been taken by Yashpal as he too ran almost 30 yards. In that team Kirti Azad was a passenger (except for a good spell in semi finals against England). Sandeep Patil cannot be classified as good ODI, his batting was aggressive but his fielding and running between the wickets was abysmal.

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Kapil''s 175 best ODI innings ever