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Horrible bowling figures........
by Anurag Rathore on Jul 24, 2008 05:51 PM   Permalink

Bowling O - M - R - W - Econ       
Z Khan       27 - 2 - 112 - 1 - 4.14 (10nb)
Harbhajan Singh 29 - 2 - 88 - 1 -3.03       
A Kumble 27 - 3 - 75 -      0 - 2.77 (6nb)

Kumble can't take pressure. He should concentrate on his bowling and hand over the captaincy to Dhoni.
Kumble was so disoppinted when catch were dropping. He can't encourage other team members.

Picking up Karthik and Harbhajan shows bad team selection by Kumble.

Good bowler but bad captain.....

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