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What Tony Greig said about this
by EC on Jan 06, 2008 01:45 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Former England captain Tony Greig claimed the Australians were guilty of employing double standards.

"No one can tell me that there is not a bit of verbal going in the direction of the Indians from the Australians and every now and then in the heat of the moment something comes back the other way," said Greig.

"It seems to me, I don't want to be too nasty about it but the Australians find it a bit difficult to deal with some of these issues when the going is a bit tough."

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  RE:What Tony Greig said about this
by RuchikaRaman Gupta on Jan 06, 2008 02:01 AM   Permalink
The Brits know the double standards that are followed by ICC in ignoring the unacceptable behaviour of Australians criketers who have a worst habit of slurs and abusive and foul language and i think that Ricky is a crying baby who has made a habit of playing cricket off the field more than on the field.

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  RE:What Tony Greig said about this
by JM on Jan 06, 2008 05:03 AM   Permalink
The is a case of Aussie cry-babies acting too precious for anyone to say anything against them.

They can sledge, belittle religion/turban, joke, do whatever but lord behold someone gives it back to them. Then they run like 4 year olds- "mommy mommy mommy".

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