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is cricket really important ?
by Prasad Raj on Apr 30, 2008 01:13 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Today the whole nation is talking about cricket.The whole channels are talking about cricket for 24 Hour. The case of newspapers is also not different.

As if we dont have any other games. My personal believe is that in India bcoz of this game no other game is progressing..If it is athletics or footbal or basket ball or any other game...

In olympics we need to pray a lot to get a bronze medal..What a shame ...A country with 100 crore cant win a medal @olympics..Still we are thinking with cricket india is the hub of world sports... Apart from some countries(may be 10 or 11) rest even dont know what is cricket.......Shame on us

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  RE:is cricket really important ?
by SachinTheGreat on Apr 30, 2008 01:15 PM   Permalink
It is not the People but the Adminstrators who have to improve the Game, People will Follow what is Best in their Country.

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  RE:is cricket really important ?
by Prasad Raj on Apr 30, 2008 01:20 PM   Permalink
Adminstrators is also comes under the bracket of people....I think people need to be more wise

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  RE:is cricket really important ?
by SachinTheGreat on Apr 30, 2008 01:26 PM   Permalink
How can u Say that, Administrators are responsible for providing Facilities, If the Game or the Sport does not have it, then how will the Game Grow in Our Country.

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