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by jv on Apr 30, 2008 12:12 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Whenever a Sikh guy makes it to the top through his sincere efforts, ppl of our country get jealous of him. They just cannot tolerate a Sardar getting success. They make false allegations, hatch plots to bring the sardar guy down. People r not willing to let Sikhs prove their worth. They just wanna joke upon them & insult them.

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by Suraj Shankla on Apr 30, 2008 12:16 PM   Permalink
Wow! what an observation. Dear I too come from a sikh family however no matter what you cannot justify this act of Harbhajan. If people like us do not condemn these acts and try to give it a racial and communal color, i would very well say that we need to be re-educated.

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by viswanath Seshamani on Apr 30, 2008 12:23 PM   Permalink
In emotional outbursts we tend to miss the big picture & take things out of context.

The big picture id Bhajji assaulted a player period. The other did not. Yes both are croocks. But unfortunately Bhajji is the assaulter & other the victim. The law will take or took its course. Is like saying ( ref Dhoni) investigate- Investigate what in a Muder- the murder is caught killing & investigate why he murdered !!

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by B J on Apr 30, 2008 12:14 PM   Permalink
You pls understand that our Prime Minister is a Sikh.

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by super success on Apr 30, 2008 12:15 PM   Permalink
well said

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by Kartikey Soni on Apr 30, 2008 12:22 PM   Permalink
and not only him but a lot of people we are proud off fallow sikhism i would like to mention milkha singh KPS gill (not for hokey but for what he did in punjab during terrorism) our ex election commissioner mr GIll navjot Sidhdhu mr ahluvalia (planning commission) parvinder shingh (ranbaxy) the appolo tyre family and the list go on we are all proud of them and their deeds.
this comment by JV remind me of azharuddin claiming that he was draged to matchfixing allegation because he is a muslim. please if u want to support bhajji hee thats ok but why see it with a religious vision?

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by Nitesh Oswal on Apr 30, 2008 12:17 PM   Permalink
ya right...we want to pull down the sikhs...
so we made a plot in oz and acted as if we are behind him under all cases.
ready to cancel the entire tour for him.

so true isnt it MR JV?

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by DONALD MARCELINE on Apr 30, 2008 02:23 PM   Permalink
GOD.... This JV guy is playing the muslim game. Pity these guys hav nothing else to drum on except their religion.

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by jv on Apr 30, 2008 12:16 PM   Permalink
PM is a sikh, but does he hv any powers. He has been the most insulted Pm because he is a Sikh.

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by B J on Apr 30, 2008 12:20 PM   Permalink
You seems to be the most ignorant person on earth. You neither know anything in Politics nor in Cricket. Dont be a shame to your fellow beings.

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by Abhinav Mahesh on Apr 30, 2008 12:23 PM   Permalink
PLease don't make things racial or caste based.
Its about individual behaviour not about a religioon or community. He is the same Harbhajan, whom entire India supported against Australia. Grow up, be responsible about wat u write and analyze the impact of ur words.

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by Bond on Apr 30, 2008 12:32 PM   Permalink
what do u think sikhs are, are they superhuman that all are against and jealous of them,they are stupid uneducated fools.

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by Madhusudhan N.R. on Apr 30, 2008 12:21 PM   Permalink
Grow up, pl. Bhajji was wrong in hitting Sree that too in public, on the cricket field. Raising your hand against anyone in a non-contact sport is an offense, so accept it instead of casting childish aspersions based on creed, caste, religion etc. This is the problem with us Indians, we look for unnecessary politics where it is a simple case of immaturity and indiscipline. People have to learn to discriminate right from wrong and think maturely.

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by Kothari on Apr 30, 2008 12:20 PM   Permalink
we dont have a prob with sikhs or the religion. try n understand dude, its d matter of discipline in the game... neone cn b at d receiving end if found guilty... BCCI is now probing into it & has even thght of punishing sreesanth if he's found guilty... so d matter is of no religious factor which u have taken into consideration... they shld play d game in utmost spirit & not wid bad discipline: which will nt b tolerated at ne cost frm neone in d game!!

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