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Very Wise and Apt comments from Kumble
by Cool Customer on Apr 30, 2008 06:37 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

He has stood out from the crowd in making constructive criticism of a mishappening, providing probing thoughts and also a recommendation. Shows remarakble character of the person.

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  RE:Very Wise and Apt comments from Kumble
by wittig vijay on Apr 30, 2008 09:14 PM   Permalink
very much true. Most of our cricket heros are either high school or collage drop out. What kind of maturity you expect from them?

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  RE:RE:Very Wise and Apt comments from Kumble
by Raj on May 01, 2008 02:18 AM   Permalink
Although I am a Master's graduate, but I don't think college degrees are required for maturity or common sense.

Look at Bill Gates who is a college drop out or even our own Sachin Tendulkar who didn't attend college properly due to career in cricket.

BTW, the same applies to you. Think before you speak!!

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  RE:Very Wise and Apt comments from Kumble
by agastee khante on May 07, 2008 08:06 PM   Permalink
u have to take into account tht bill gates dropped out of 'harvard' and not any other the pedigree was always there...

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  RE:Very Wise and Apt comments from Kumble
by wittig vijay on May 01, 2008 10:16 AM   Permalink
Again, you are probably picking up two out of million successful collage drop outs to generalize your argument.

Its not the degree thats matures you. its the pain to get there and all the smart people you meet along the way makes you realize you are NOT top of everything.

if you ask me again, yes graduation does bring maturity, its different from common sense. Atleast they don't go on slap somebody because they could not stand with that guy.

Please don't bring Bill Gates into this, you got one out of billion chance to be like him

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  RE:Very Wise and Apt comments from Kumble
by Ramu on May 01, 2008 11:42 AM   Permalink
well said vijay

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  RE:Very Wise and Apt comments from Kumble
by sunil varma on May 01, 2008 10:49 AM   Permalink
By the way bill gates dropped off after 3 years of college in a 4 year system.
In all the messages that he give he says he regrets that....
college education brings in maturity,people skills and a change in perspective of how a person looks at his surroundings...

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