The after math of Harbhajan- Sreesanth fight brought me to comment on Mr. Gentleman Kumble. Yes Kumble saab well said. Education is the best wealth- best insurance. But the sad side evolving cricket fame & wealth today is many of todays cricketers are from heartland belts with lesser education with fast track to wealth. A 19 year old just out of 2 is getting 60 Lakhs a year Thanks to IPL. no one grudges their wealth. But I fault the system & BCCI& state associations for not investing in developing these ambassadors of India or future ambassadors to be well rounded by investing in education. In education I mean outside the cricket field & a in class room with crash professional development courses in soft skills- personal grooming, Intra personal skills & people skills, cutural sensitivity education, cross cultural management skills learnt in a expreience sharing basis. Just short intense courses of 2-3 days- will do. For example place the unlike minded group of wannbe & current test players in a class for transactional analysis (TA) course to know who they really are ! Many can be taught in Hindi even if many of the new comers do not know gorra saab language. Make this learning compulsory for all first class level cricketers; not just Text players for international. Even club level & Ranji level. This value add will do a world of good to them, U will not have incidents like Bhaji selling india pride in Australia or Mohali or sreesanths swearing at all. I recall in 60s &
RE:Hail Kumble
by suresh kasu on Apr 30, 2008 12:46 PM Permalink
Any sport involves aggression & energy may be they are reqd. However which sport today whether its football, rugby ,tennis or even carrom has all literate players . Srinath & Kumble are engineers lucky enough to get a break & come out with flying colours .Our owm Lalchand Rajput was the best Ranji player with a super record . Today even though he performed as a super coach in Australia where has perseverence & literacy taken him (at a sport level). We also have a most tolerent Laxman who 2 me has been the most unluckiest of all time players - A SLAP to BCCI SURESHKASU