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Can someone tell me?
by syd syd on Apr 30, 2008 12:44 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

why kumble dravid likes got themselves into IPL when they know they are underperformer and too slow?
kumble is going for money with nothing to Kumble should write more about to handle fame and money when you are worth nothing.

can you compare on field attitudes of Dravid and Shane warne?

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  RE:Can someone tell me?
by super success on Apr 30, 2008 12:46 PM   Permalink
hahahahahha good one

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  RE:Can someone tell me?
by sudeep sachin on Apr 30, 2008 01:04 PM   Permalink
whatever the format may be both of them can suceed. In any format of the game without talent and the experience you cannot perform Who else have better experience than Dravid, Kumble, Sachin. They will deffinitely perform well in 20-20 also. Just wait and watch. Same people who have discarded Dravid in the begining later on Praised him, for playing so well in Onday Format. Just Go back to 1999-2003. And check the statistics of Dravid.
Dravid is far Better than Warne on field and offield

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  RE:Can someone tell me?
by Sandeep saxena on Apr 30, 2008 12:52 PM   Permalink
remember JOSHI ... F.. I tell you what Dravid it out of his mind. He is helping his Cricket friends make some money. Tell you what DHONI rocks. It was good Dravid was thrown out of captancy

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  RE:Can someone tell me?
by vaman aphale on Apr 30, 2008 12:55 PM   Permalink
You are a first class idiot. If some body earns money why you should bother. They have a value seen by Mr. Mallya who is a very good businessman & is not a fool o do so. After all matches are conducted by IPL to earn money for themselves not for any other cause & whoever can draw crowd are contracted. Why you want to compare warne & Dravid

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  RE:Can someone tell me?
by Nirav Ashar on Apr 30, 2008 12:58 PM   Permalink
There is nothing wrong in earning money. But one should know to how to handle success and money.
Its a matter of one match that Dravid & Kumble will perform, and you will eat your words.

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  RE:Can someone tell me?
by ravi shankar on Apr 30, 2008 12:55 PM   Permalink
When IPL RC team owner is confident about Dravid & Kumble like SRK is confident about Gangu and Ambani is confident about Sachin what is the problem for you guy?If you have big money , own one IPL team and search for the local team members and you will know it all!You can not for the city team without including city guys!

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