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by RAMAN JAYARAMAN on Apr 26, 2008 12:14 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Harbhajan has always been in and out of controversies. And always the BCCI and its officials for some inexplicable reasons stood by him and portrayed him as a paragon of virtue and the other party as the sinner. Now it is open and it is there for all to see how Sreeshanth was weeping. Still it may so happen that Shreeshanth (another temperamental character not suited for the gentleman`s game) may be persuaded by the same BCCI to say that nothing happened and that it was a handshake at the wrong place or something like that.If the BCCI has any sense of decency and decorum, Harbhajan should be banned from playing in any IPL games now. I doubt whether that will happen. The Indian Cricket team can do without the likes of Harbhajan or Shreesanth.

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by parvinder singh on Apr 26, 2008 12:18 PM   Permalink
how can you ban harbhajan from ipl when everyone knows about sreesants past behaviour with international players and for that matter still harbhajan has apologised sreesant , iam denying that harbhajan has done mistake but punishment cant be that harsh , it will spoil the image of our country and players relationship

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by Gomtesh on Apr 26, 2008 12:25 PM   Permalink
if he is left unpunished now, he will bring more disgrace to the country at internationallevel. how long BCCI & press will favorhim at internationallevel. guilty must be punished in full public view.

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