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only money no proffessionalism
by supriyo das on Apr 03, 2008 06:26 PM   Permalink

Thats in indian blood. Money is accepted gracefully with cheers but when time comes to analyze the return they give to the ones paying them, all they come up with is a big zero.

Cricketers are being paid more than ever but in return they are giving some of the most shameful moments.

Govt. babus will get more money. But they are in no mood to improve work culture or cut the roots of the bribe culture prevailing in govt. offices.

My company pays me for writing code in java. But all I end up with is writing ridiculous comments in web sites on matters which has nothing to do with me if I mind my own business.

Yet we all do so. Thats in indain culture. Unproffessionalism.

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