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Change is reqd
by sanjay goyal on Apr 03, 2008 06:15 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is true that you can't have a golden day everyday in cricket but why this happens more frequently with Indian cricket is that after a splendid performance, a very weak performance follows. Two reasons for sure: Complacency, cricketers suddenly become heros and Gods with just one performance, secondly we dont pick players on the basis of merit. BCCI is sleeping over the issue that 3 years down the line, they may have to induct 4 batsmen as Sachin, Rahul, Saurav and Laxman will retire- almost together. It is time to say good bye to them one by one and have replacements. Ganguly should be targetted first, followed by Laxman and then Rahul and Sachin. We need young legs and young minds who play for country rather than for their own records. That is the only reason we cud win 20-20 and under 19 world cups... and still struggling in test cricket.

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  RE:Change is reqd
by Swapnil Saxena on Apr 03, 2008 06:23 PM   Permalink
But they can't play the test cricket which is the origial cricket dear...... thay can play on 20-20 and the shorter version of the cricket which don't require the skills ad technique... only young legs can't do any thing....

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