I dont think the pitch has done so much,why because indian player didnt concentrate at all they were on the feeling that they were superiors,because of playing the last test match.so take some youngsters give them some chance.give some good long rest for saurav Ganguly and V.V.S.Laxman.they cant field they cant run and i dont know why still they are in the team.Indian cricket want to think about the pride of the country.if players are not performing give some good rest for long time.and take some youngsters and give them chance.
RE:Indian Cricket Problem
by Sas on Apr 03, 2008 08:11 PM Permalink
Congrats East Bengal for their winning againt Jordan's best Team
It's a fantastic performance by EB. This win should make India proud given the competetion in football worldwide. Jordon is a much higher ranked than India in FIFA ranking. But unfortunately, very few Indians might have read this news. If it was a cricket match, then thousands of messages would have been published by this time.
RE:RE:Indian Cricket Problem
by ratnala rajesh on Apr 03, 2008 08:17 PM Permalink
SAS - do u have brain..... evryone has there own intrests.... if u like soccer that doesnt mean that everyone lov it......
RE:Indian Cricket Problem
by Sas on Apr 03, 2008 11:01 PM Permalink
yes I have brain and nothing is written wrong. Diff people have diff interest I know, that's why only 10-15 contries playing cricket and still India is on the bottom. And we 100 crore are looking for good result from last 20 years. Nobody think why we are not been into other sport. Badminton suffers due to shortage of shuttlecock. Nobody worried when Indian Hockey Team is not able to make it to the olympics. When the sucker Priya ranjan Das Munshi & Gill type people suck the footbal & hockey federation and think that its belongs to their four father business & property nobody bother. SOme news & media channel shout for few days and that's it..........bloody loosers