I salute the T20 cup winners as they have brought smiles on the face of millions of Indians. The BCCI has opened its cash box to reward the players with Cash awards, but the same BCCI president, who is also the Agriculture Minister, never bothered to give a single penny from the Cash Rich BCCI to the farmers of sucide who are commiting suicide. I respect the players, but farmers are more important and I would have personally liked to see our agricultural minister and people of India, showing their enthusiasm here as well.
RE:T20 Champions and Accolades, but what about the Farmers??
by vinit jain on Sep 27, 2007 03:44 PM Permalink
How can he give money from BCCI..Is it his own property..Its government duty to take care of Agriculture not BCCI's. I respect your sentiments.
RE:T20 Champions and Accolades, but what about the Farmers??
by nandkishor joshi on Sep 27, 2007 03:43 PM Permalink
Dear Sanjay saab, I fully share your views. Keep in mind our Agricultural minister was sitting in the first row. This itself shows his interest. I do not understand why are we spending such huge amounts in crores on cricketers? As you correctly said there are so many poor farmers who are committing suicide whom our politicians should help.Appreciation is ok but at what cost ? These sponsors are spending such huge amounts and they will take this from the pockets of general public by one or the other way. It is time for every Indian to seriously think.
RE:T20 Champions and Accolades, but what about the Farmers??
by shekhar@asthana.com on Sep 27, 2007 03:39 PM Permalink
In India Cricket is more Important than Agriculture...........ha ha ha ha ha
If Sharad Pawar is made Sports Minister, Cricketers and other sportspersons will start comitting suicide.
Soniya Ji pawar saab ko khel mantri banao............banao........
RE:T20 Champions and Accolades, but what about the Farmers??
by pravin gawde on Sep 27, 2007 03:47 PM Permalink
Mr Pawar has done very good for BCCI.He is given complet free hand to concern persons/Commetee and assigend them job.With his experience BCCI is DEFFIENTLY GROWING.Even currrent and past plyaers and associte organisation/Sates are happy. but pawar has to take care of media and his opposition he should avoid this kind of situation.And again 20-20 cup is just begning.wait and wach pawar will take cricket at rurel areas so more players and cricketing clubs can enjoy.