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Joginder's ability and Harbhajan's Inability!!
by Citizen on Sep 27, 2007 02:48 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I think Dhoni believes in Joginder than this guy himself. It was a big gamble to have him bowl the last overs in the semi and the final. We had some luck too - to be fair. I understand that Dhoni didnt have any other option too and it was only wise enough not to bowl Bhajji after this guy was pelted for 3 sixes in his over. Wonder what kind of experience bhajji is bringing in to such a crunch situation.?! one six in an over is acceptable - this being a T20 match. But three 6s??!! No brainer... cant even think?? Bowled FULL toss!!! Unacceptable... Someone like Yusuf playing in his first match bowled beautifully.

I would say Harbhajan's inability to bowl a fairly expensive over had ALMOST cost us the T20 cup. LET HIM KNOW THAT. Because I see him to be over rated player and he thinks he is unremovable. Surely an attitude problem. Can see it in his face.

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  RE:Joginder's ability and Harbhajan's Inability!!
by kumar on Sep 27, 2007 02:58 PM   Permalink
exactly, bhajji is certainly overrated player, never performs well in pressure situation, lost the ability to take wickets and also he thinks he is the best spinner in india. I heard him telling he took loads of wickets in county and t-20 ,he was alomst a failure in county..and in t-20 you dont need to be a good bowler to take wickets...I prefer powar anyday as a spinner...

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  RE:Joginder's ability and Harbhajan's Inability!!
by Kabeer on Sep 27, 2007 03:06 PM   Permalink
It was Bhajji the so called experienced bowler nearly lost the cup for India till Joginder regained it. Misbah-ul-Haq's shots are not as great as they appear! It was Bhajji's poor bowling! I guess all three that went over the ropes were full tosses. It is a shame that Bhajji with all his experience nearly lost the cup in a single over-otherwise India would have a convincing 25 around difference victory margin.

Bhajji's expressions are more aggressive than his feats!

Muralitharan rightly remarked about him "Indian society makes heroes out of even common average cricketers"

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'Dhoni was aiming for a one run victory'