RE:joginder panwallah
by Gorango Thakurta on Sep 28, 2007 04:28 AM Permalink
... and you are a pandalund for saying such a dumb thing. Remember he is not an actor or a nautanki, he is an athlete... so there is no need to talk about what he looks like.
RE:joginder panwallah
by sudhir dhar on Sep 28, 2007 08:42 AM Permalink
Hey B, His panwala dad produced a cricketer. Your dad produced a low class idiot. B, I think Joginders dad wins easily against your dad.
RE:joginder panwallah
by Crick fan on Sep 28, 2007 03:24 AM Permalink
Whatever profession his father is in he will be much proud of Jiginder today. No value for looks but deeds my friend.
RE:joginder panwallah
by Vimal Kamdar on Sep 28, 2007 12:08 PM Permalink
YEAH AND HE IS BETTER THAN YOU, atleast made his country proud...what does your dad do....sweep the streets?