Whatever reports we have been reading makes one point that seniors like sachin/dravid/ganguly doesnot have place in the team now. I think we are in a hurry . Let us not forget this was only 20-20 game where every plyer can play 11 balls and there is no time to think. In regular game even in one day you need determination/planning and most of all skill. Noway anybody can question supremecy of the three seniors on the game. In 20-20 it is only proved that Dhoni can be good captain but others have lot to prove. Even Doni is struggling with bat. Nothing to talk about his keeping its one of the most ordinary thing. Kartik is way better than him. In short let the series with aus and pak be over then let us see.or else the situation may come where dhoni has to run to Delhi to save himself from angry crowd loke what happened after the world cup