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Where is prices for Hockey players...,
by Mohammed on Sep 27, 2007 03:17 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

while announcing this mcuh money to cricket player, why nobody giving for Hockey player who won asia cup.this people doing hard work than cricket player.......

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  RE:Where is prices for Hockey players...,
by Bju on Sep 27, 2007 03:43 PM   Permalink
Infact india is not a sporting nation like australia, usa or for that matter any developed country where people really follow sports seriously. Here it is more recreational than serious business. Cricket is getting more mileage due the back up it gets from corporates. The games format is much suitable for them to air more promos than in any other sport. So cricket will enjoy this treatment for further time till we become a developed nation in all sense.

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  RE:Where is prices for Hockey players...,
by YHWH on Sep 27, 2007 03:27 PM   Permalink
how many runs did they score?

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  RE:Where is prices for Hockey players...,
by Sharath Mohan on Sep 27, 2007 03:28 PM   Permalink
Let them win world cup; they will also get huge money I am sure; India have won asia cup in cricket and will do so in the future also; But they will never get such reception for that.Compare the performance of Indian cricket and hockey teams in world cups since 1980 and judge for urself.

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