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Dhoni Slapped on the face of Regional Freaks
by Murli on Sep 27, 2007 03:03 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

All politicians there at Wankhede spoke in either Marathi or English only, handed over the momento to Dhoni with logo of Jai Maharastra and nowhere India was mentioned in it as if they had won the cup for Maharastra!
n followup, Dhoni slapped these all disgruntled regional freak politicians in one sentence:
I am a true Indian and will always speak in Hindi first, no matter in which language you throw question on me, be it English or Marathi, and he did that. I think all shameless politicians sitting there must have felt ashamed for a while, as public clapped heavily on this statement of Dhoni, which was majority in Marathis themselves!
Also it shows that it's not public but politicians whoa re desperate to divide the society anyway for political mileage.

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  RE:Dhoni Slapped on the face of Regional Freaks
by sunil pradhan on Sep 27, 2007 03:16 PM   Permalink
yeh sale crook politicians desh ko barbad karke hi rahenge....

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  RE:Dhoni Slapped on the face of Regional Freaks
by Sunit Kumar on Sep 27, 2007 03:19 PM   Permalink
Murli, well said, i am from Bombay and i say the people just want to LIVE life no ones even bothered to ask the SURNAME forget even anything else...if the whole India becomes like that, it will be the Asian America !!

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  RE:Dhoni Slapped on the face of Regional Freaks
by Meethilesh on Sep 27, 2007 03:16 PM   Permalink

I appreciate ur observation that most of the crowd at wankhede was marathis. I'm really surprized that you can actually found that.

Politicians are politicians...!! one can't say in maharashtra politicians are like this and other places they are diff.

If this ceremony was held in Tamil Nadu then that great CM would have spoke in Hindi or on in Tamil or in English???

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  RE:RE:Dhoni Slapped on the face of Regional Freaks
by Sunit Kumar on Sep 27, 2007 03:23 PM   Permalink
Meethilesh, i purposely did not mention this, but it goes without saying.... the point to be noted is how the people reacted and thats good !!!

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'Dhoni was aiming for a one run victory'