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by SANJEEV on Sep 27, 2007 03:18 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Why is the media so crazy about the win??? Even the team members doesnt expected this much ! whats so great about it. offcourse everyone accepts that it was a good team effort and we were able to come victorious. Team has to get credit but so much of hungama so much of prize money that too not based on the talent or contribution of the players but purely based on region he is from??? What would the media do if we lose next match. R V SO FANATIC?????

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by suraj r on Sep 27, 2007 03:28 PM   Permalink
Next match is jus a BILATERAL series...this is a WORLD CUP....comes once in 4 years..This celebration is very well justified...

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'Dhoni was aiming for a one run victory'