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Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by Seth Bhagwandas on Sep 27, 2007 02:36 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I dont know ,if u can call him good baller . he was just lucky to be there . he didnt ball single good ball which would have taken batsman out for sure. He was too slow and really very wide from the off stum. It was Dhoni who made him effective used him only when wickets went down. I am really happy for u Jogindar , if u dont improve in quick time u shall fade away. Either ball some good leangth ball , yourkers , and bring some pace in u r balling. or u shall remain with u r price money u have .

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  RE:Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by sb on Sep 27, 2007 02:47 PM   Permalink
could not agree more. Joginder will fade away if he does not improve.

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  RE:Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by Kabeer on Sep 27, 2007 02:56 PM   Permalink
Ravi Shastri being a bowler himself was always pained when it was always commented in the box that the batsman played a bad shot and got out. He says, very correctly, that "No! It is only half the truth-the other half truth is that the bowler made the batsman commit that mistake. It is only good bowlers make batsman commit silly looking mistakes and get wickets." Yes it is the good bowlers make batsman commit mistakes which appear silly on the screen.

I don't know if you correctly noticed, Joginder -nearly bowled 7-9 balls purposefully away from the batsman to deny them good scoring shots and wasn't called "Wide" by the umpire (First ball of the last over is an exception, of course!)

Secondly, it was the slowness of the ball that got him the wicket and your nation the cup. Had he bowled as fast as Bret Lee the ball would have vanished into the stands for a six instead of landing in Sreesanth's hands.

All the highest wicket takers in the cricketing world are military medium pace bowlers like Kapil Dev! Even those like Richard Hadlee, Botham, and Dennis Lillee got most of their wickets in the later part of their careers when got significantly slowed down; they got all those wickets through guile and deception which only a trained cricketing mind can see.

Hence, your observations are not too correct.
Of course, I am not saying that Joginder is a great bowler on the face of earth.

As Poirot says "There is a method in this madness" likewise, there is a technique

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  RE:Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by Balaji on Sep 27, 2007 02:51 PM   Permalink
Balle Balle

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  RE:Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by Shabeer on Sep 27, 2007 03:29 PM   Permalink
Jogindar looked very very ordinary to be playing in any team. It was extremely lucky for him to come away without being spanked. In his defence how can some get lucky twice (semi & finals)??? My guess is that he will soon become the whipping boy for batsmen around the world unless he can find some variety and pace.

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  RE:Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by saurabh shukla on Sep 27, 2007 02:46 PM   Permalink
looking by what he earn in now, close to 90lakhs, gud enough to him, even he fade away.

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'Dhoni was aiming for a one run victory'