We have all the right to rejoice this win because we have no other alternatives. One of the banners in 20-20 WC says let em win 20-20 we will have rugby WC. Other developed nations are following sports seriously and it is a part of their life. But in our case it is like watching a bolywood movie to get relaxed from the hardship we are forced to face in this country. See those ugly politicians already done their bit to push back the real heros to 2nd row and claimed the centre stage. We will never give other sports the due they deserve since big corporates are not backing them. Where in a football of hocky or for that matter any other game you can show promos in every 3 minutes. Also the pace of other sports are not suitable for fixing profitable hoardings in sports areana. So we can celebrate this state and corporate sponsored extravaganza for another 2 days.