hello every one...I appeal to each an every Indian here to please help in what ever way you could to help suresh survive.His condition is pathetic as he has broken every inch of his bone....plz plzz help our fellow indian.... plz follow the link www.help-suresh.org
RE:help this indian student from eastern illinois uni
by on on Sep 26, 2007 09:16 PM Permalink
not to be rude but i thought health insurance takes care of medical expenses in America unlike in India where people have to pay from their pocket..
RE:help this indian student from eastern illinois uni
by suri on Sep 26, 2007 09:20 PM Permalink
this student did take any courses in summer hence the health insurence does not apply to him.its very unfortunate
RE:RE:help this indian student from eastern illinois uni
by on Sep 26, 2007 11:00 PM Permalink
Just to add to that Health insurance does not cover everything in US. Most of the critical care comes from the patients pockets.