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Why is this necessary ?
by keith pavlak on Sep 26, 2007 09:20 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Yes, India won the T20 World what ? Why is it necessary for a chief minister to reward players from his state? He could wish the team well and congratulate his fellow statesman but then that should generally be it..why go overboard and start dishing out land,crores of rupees,free hotel stay etc..why? By doing so,what does he achieve for the state? Ofcourse, the state cricket association needs to celebrate the performance of their key players and reward them as they deem fit..but chief ministers? What next?? The Finance Minister giving them tax exemptions ? Oh plz...grow up...Yes, They should be awarded for their performance, recognized for their contributions..yes...Khel Ratna, Padma awards yes..go problem.We are the first to cry out when a politician tries to talk shop with cricketers.But when a politician stay away from cricket why is this a headline? For all the wrong and nasty things Mr.Modi might have done, he has got this one right.Again, did anyone hear the left parties in kerala give Sreesanth money ?? Also, last heard, he too has given some cash award !!!!

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  RE:Why is this necessary ?
by Sanjeev Sharma on Sep 26, 2007 09:28 PM   Permalink
It is necesary for feudal politicians who waste public money as they want. It gives them a feel of being royalty. Alongwith with the feeling of being above the Law of land, such a feeling helps promote and maintain their ego, which, as a matter of course, are bruised everytime they go begging for votes.

Ever wonder why there is so much entusiasm in indian politicians to import and nurture captive vote banks from Bangladesh.

We are enjoying the leader we deserve.

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  RE:Why is this necessary ?
by Kaushik Basu on Sep 26, 2007 09:35 PM   Permalink
No congratulatory note as well??? While singing huge praises for Sunita Williums that was a great gesture.

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Narendra Modi ignores Team India stars