RE:Rediff has become a Tabloid
by Aijaz Ali on Sep 27, 2007 05:25 AM Permalink
Common knowledge says Modi is a muslim hater and minority hater. No surprise felt, when he did not announce any prize money.
RE:Rediff has become a Tabloid
by rumsfeld on Sep 26, 2007 11:41 PM Permalink
well, you better not browse this tomorrow if you got some good blood..find some cheap masala news won't find a quality and unbiased reporting anywhere else other than rediff! we will make sure that you can't even login to the website from tomorrow.
RE:RE:Rediff has become a Tabloid
by Julius on Sep 27, 2007 12:11 AM Permalink
Rumsfeld or whoever u are, seems like u talk a nice diplomatic language! (like "shot in the nuts"!!!)