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by Aravind sai on Sep 25, 2007 10:20 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

come on man..... who told pakistanis are uneducated.....the are very well educated on terrorism, their madarssa's tell them how to create terror attacks in india nad other countries... madarssa appears for many as school but in fact I think it is a school of religious preaches( they destroy young muslims and teach them that their religion only should exist in this world and other religions should be perished....such was their shelfish attitude) along with some terrorist lessons..................... come on young muslims ,understand that all religions have their right to live in this world.... dont encourage those who divert you away from this world.... pakistan is is really playing with the lives of our indian muslims who otherwise have a feeling of bhai-bhai with hindu brothers and sisters.

hey muslims of india( with good attitude to our country) wakeup... let us make their tricks in vain

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by syed fareed hussain on Sep 25, 2007 10:55 PM   Permalink
Hi everyone, Y all hindus think that every muslim is a terrorist, we indian muslims r not like that, islam is a good religion, islam wont tell to be a terrorist, islam wont tell to kill any one, islam tells us to live with peace, and we muslims follow that, the people who r terrorist wont belong to any religion, just they want to make public be in fear, may be they born as muslim but they dont know islam, coz of them dont blame to all muslims, we indian muslims want to live in peace, islam is a peace religion. And dont blame to madarsa's, they teach only to follow the rules of Quran.

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by dred on Sep 25, 2007 11:50 PM   Permalink
To "syed fareed hussain"

Syed: Welcome your post. I am a hindu, and i do NOT consider every muslim a terrorist. And there are millions of hindus with this opinion.

There will always be some hindu hate mongers that do not understand that verbal assaults are no less than a terrorist hurling bombs at others. stop spreading hate.

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by praveen sebastian on Sep 25, 2007 11:33 PM   Permalink
Dear Fareed,you are very right about what you have written. Friend we should live our life as brothers as one nation,people like you should not be singled out. It is all our dirty politics makes it unclean human actions.
Ignore people who write irreleant things.
God Bless you.

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by Aravind sai on Sep 26, 2007 01:34 AM   Permalink
hi fareed bhai... I am not at all against indian muslims.... many of these indian muslims are very good( Infact I have many muslim friends).... but what I mean to say is few muslims in india are being diverted by dirty country pakistan.... I mean to say that those people who are getting diverted should think that that they r born in india and are living between many religions( i.e., great country which allows all religions live together in peace)..... I want everyone to save this peace for future also.

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by mahesh kasani on Sep 26, 2007 08:26 AM   Permalink
every muslim is not a terrorist but .... every terrorist is a muslim

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by Sanjay Ranawat on Sep 26, 2007 01:18 PM   Permalink
You are spot on Mr.Mahesh Kasani

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by raj on Sep 26, 2007 12:02 AM   Permalink
Your first stement was wrong.. its not all Hindus.THere are only few fools or politians play this game.When Irfan took 3 wickets and won match for India we enjoyed and not thought about his religion. So dont worry much about some poor posts. As anyone can write you need to bare with some sh.t.Enjoy the moemt of Indian victory and forget about everything else.

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