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Well done, Dravid!
by The Heat on Sep 25, 2007 07:56 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

It's been such a pleasure to see you play over the years, but for you it would not have been possible for us to look to the future. You have been a tremendous person and may everything fall in place for you. i'm really happy for what you have done and shown the people that when youngsters are given a chance they deliver. It's time for you along with sachin ganguly and zaheer to take our spanking new team to new levels and groom them in such a way that they do us proud again and bring us the 2011 cup.. You guys have been outstanding! hats off to you!

A True Indian Cricket Fan!

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  RE:Well done, Dravid!
by Harinder Toor on Sep 25, 2007 08:21 PM   Permalink
You my friend are a true indian cricket fan! i wish all our fellow indians show as much respect to our heroes. No one can forget everything these people have done for us. You are absolutely correct, the seniors will have to change their roles in team now to groom the youngsters and yes dhoni, his captaincy 'mantra' has been awesome. I wish him more success in the future. I am a punjabi and I dont care if yuvraj is the captain or not as long as team india performs.

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  RE:Well done, Dravid!
by Sarath Chandra on Sep 25, 2007 07:59 PM   Permalink
Really nice to see such a positive message, Mate. Wish that we have more Indian media and fans be as positive as you, especially when the team loses a couple of games and is under a bit of pressure.

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Dravid heaps praise on Dhoni