by Mat on Sep 26, 2007 06:45 PM Permalink
R u saying Agarkar should play? Sreeshant was the one to turned the match with his bowling getting Gilchrist and Hayden.Otherwise they would have won the match mate.
by Naveen Chandran on Sep 26, 2007 10:06 PM Permalink
I don know why every one is behind Agarkars ass poor thing - note down one thing - guys who hit him - misbah (Pakistan) and McMillan (Newzeland) both in good form and have hit almost every bowler in the tournment. For those guys who believe Agarkar bowled bad - do u think if pathan was bowling Misbah or McMilan would have kept quit - He was bowling the last overs, whoever would have been bowling would have the same faith. By the way sree santh went for an 14 runs an over in the Newzland match and agarkar only 10 which is acceptable in 20 twenty
by naveen mahale on Sep 27, 2007 11:51 AM Permalink
Agarkar more depends on the pitch if pitch is good for bowling then works