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Age Limit for the team?
by CricFan01 on Sep 25, 2007 09:59 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

A lot of people here have argued that senior players (read Dravid, Sachin and Ganguly) should not be selected anymore because the youngsters have won the T20 WC. Some of them say that the presence of the seniors in the team would hinder the performance of the youngsters.(This is a not a valid argument anyway).Actually age should never be the criteria, as long as the players meet the standards and are performing above those standards they should be in the team, irrespective of the age. So the people who still think that senior players should not be in the team, instead of writing here, why dont they ask the BCCI to change their rules and have a retirement age for players? Just a footnote: Check the scores in the last one day series in England and see who were the top 2 scorers in the series from India.

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  RE:Age Limit for the team?
by Sarath Chandra on Sep 25, 2007 10:18 PM   Permalink
If performance were the only criteria, the seniors cannot be dropped now. However, to improve the team, I personally think that Ganguly has to be dropped from the side. I thought he was dropped fair and square, when Dravid took over. But now he is, in fact, playing well, and it is unfair to drop him. But something has to give way to strengthen our fielding, and he seems the weakest link of the big 3 right now.

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  RE:Age Limit for the team?
by Sanjeev Verma on Sep 26, 2007 12:51 AM   Permalink
I think that fitness not age should be deciding factor. Robin Singh is an example of fit player even at advanced age, whereas Ramesh Power is an example of unfit player at a young age.

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