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Stupid selections and glaring omissions!!!
by Spitting Cobra on Sep 18, 2007 10:23 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The BCCI is a bunch of losers and they have proved it by selecting Dhoni as the captain!!

Sourav Ganguly is the only heavyweight guy who you need to get under the skin of the Aussies!! Remember how he got under the skin of STeve Waugh by going late for the toss on a few ocassions??
Dada could play mind games and you do need to play mind games to unsettle the Aussies....

Certain selections also raise a few eyebrows; what are Poiwar and Karthick doing in the team??
As far as i'am concerned, Ramesh Powar and Dinesh Karthick should not be in the ODI team!! Karthick failed completely, both as a fielder and as a batsman in the recent England ODIs!!

By excluding Sehwag and young Rohit Sharma, the selectors have conveyed that they are still whimsical and foolish!!

The only good thing about this team is the axing of Munaf and Agarkar, both of who don't deserve a look-in again......

But the exclusion of Rohit Sharma is an unfair one considering the fact that the youngster never got his chances recently!!

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  RE:Stupid selections and glaring omissions!!!
by manish dubey on Sep 18, 2007 10:56 PM   Permalink
Agreed with all the words u have writen my dear frnd. bad to see that rohit sharma did not got a chance and then also he is out of team.

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Dhoni named captain for ODIs