RE:South or North!
by ashok pai on Sep 18, 2007 04:57 PM Permalink
bullshit. YOU are biased, not others. i dint see even a single person comment saying he's unwanted cos he's of any particular caste, no indication whatesoever. people only objected to him because he's not been tested enough, and he's been failing with bat a few times.
i support dhoni not because he's of any particular caste, i suport him because i see that he's got talent. period. why start another debate in a much fragmented forum already ?
RE:South or North!
by Arun karthick on Sep 18, 2007 05:04 PM Permalink
Ashik, dont get hot, Blaster never said against about caste here.He just replied to some others in this forum who bought caste into this forum.u can check those message in forum as well.
he just made his point clear not to throw caste into it.
RE:South or North!
by Arun karthick on Sep 18, 2007 04:57 PM Permalink
I support dhoni whole heartly. I am from south india.I dont know anything abt the mentality and thinking of north indians.
RE:South or North!
by PAL on Sep 18, 2007 05:04 PM Permalink
Only you told this forum members Dhoni is backward caste. Before knowing his caste we all loving him and wishing him good luck.
RE:South or North!
by Anindya Ganguly on Sep 18, 2007 04:59 PM Permalink
ha ha ha ...the most funny message I have ever seen in this forum !!!! great yaar.....
RE:RE:South or North!
by Blaster on Sep 18, 2007 05:01 PM Permalink
If its funny you are welcomed to laugh. Most guys who post messages in here are castist.