What a stupid decision in the history of Indian cricket. 3 world class captains will play under a captain who is struggling with his own individual performance and having negligible experience of captainship. Also it looks more stupid when we are going to play the series against number one cricket team of the world who has won 3 world cups in row. This is one of a sad joke where we can%u2019t even laugh, because after all %u201Cit%u2019s our team and our nation%u201D!
by Prabhakar KRISHNA on Sep 18, 2007 09:20 PM Permalink
Dravid was a 'darpok' captain which shoowed in his decision to not give follow on to England. he was afraid of losing to Pak and Aussies so thought it better to keep his RECORD intact by running away while it was good !
by 123 on Sep 18, 2007 08:56 PM Permalink
i agree with you brother. its shame on selection commitee. how can 3 world class captains would play under the guidience of kid. who dont know how to hold the bat.. i prefere ganguly would have been a good option after dravid departs.
by Romal h on Sep 18, 2007 09:02 PM Permalink
Seems some guys would always be backward. Non Enterprising Traditional Thinking DHONI Is the right choice. Look at any History " He who dares succeeddssss"
by cynic on Sep 18, 2007 08:54 PM Permalink
you never know, Dhoni might succeed somehow though chances are low. Also one should consider the possibility of the BCCI itself fixing a few victories for India :)
by skumargoud on Sep 18, 2007 09:24 PM Permalink
It's gr8 tht BCCI Selected A young Player As a Captain Under trail Of 3 experienced Captains in a team ,it is a good for a Dhoni Who can learn frm them and there experience to perform india better come back for future matches "so i wish best of luck indian team & Dhoni "