selector should think and reply the excluion of Rohit sharma from One day team ag.Aussies. Surprisingly not even included in India A team.
Consider a player who is representing India inEng. series and even in 20-20 world cup but excluded in one day team and India team,can any one can pointed out?
RE:Rohit sharma????????
by Avi on Sep 19, 2007 03:00 PM Permalink
Same with Ranadeb Bose ... He even got 5 wicket in a tour match and then gutted ... Not even selected for INDIA A team ... I think rohit and ranadeb are in a band of players who are not fit for TEAM INDIA and too good to play for the INDIA A ... Interesting ???
RE:Rohit sharma????????
by Sanjay on Sep 19, 2007 03:40 PM Permalink
Problem is Ranadeb Bose & Rohit Sharma are not from Mumbai lobby......Can anybody give a logic of agarkar's inclusion when there are enough replacement.....
RE:Rohit sharma????????
by prakash kp on Sep 19, 2007 04:36 PM Permalink
Rightly pointed out but you should have some addition to your statement 'Rohit excluded from the team without even playing one game either in England or in 20-20'. Only the selectors, not even god, know hwo did they eveluate Rohit as a player.