An also ran from a backward caste and backward state as captain! Looks like the UPA is very good at pulling such tricks on us. First it was purrtiba patil, now dhobhi!
RE:Backward Cricket Committee of India!
by s s on Sep 19, 2007 12:06 AM Permalink
There is always a wise-crack like this who would get either a caste/religion/region aspect. GET OUT OF YOUR SMALL, NARROW APPROACH TO LIFE...
RE:Backward Cricket Committee of India!
by Ajit Pai on Sep 19, 2007 12:23 AM Permalink
Mr. Gopal Krishna..Atleast try to write something which could be acceptable or is worth thinking about. You are being juvenile here.
RE:Backward Cricket Committee of India!
by Gopal Krishna on Sep 19, 2007 12:26 AM Permalink
Sometimes truth can be a bit too harsh Mr.Pai. We should confront it instead of looking away and hoping that nothing of that sort happened!
RE:Backward Cricket Committee of India!
by Ajit Pai on Sep 19, 2007 12:37 AM Permalink
Mr.Krishna, just have a look at what U have written. The people who choose captain have much more International cricketing experience than all the people writing here put together. BCCI is an autonomous body, on which Government has no contro. Thus, bringing UPA into this matter is not only juvenile, its totally uncalled for.
RE:Backward Cricket Committee of India!
by Gopal Krishna on Sep 19, 2007 12:42 AM Permalink
Mr.Pai, I am sure you are well aware that the man heading BCCI is also a prominent minister in the UPA cabinet. There are conflicts of interests that make the BCCI intertwined with the UPA giving the government implicit control on everything from team selection to venue allocation. It is not a figment of my imagination, but a FACT! Come out of your denial mode and smell the coffee Mr. Pai!
RE:Backward Cricket Committee of India!
by Gopal Krishna on Sep 19, 2007 01:14 AM Permalink
I find hard to accept your presumption that the BCCI chief has no say in team/captain selection. Mind you, Sachin was sounded for captaincy for both Tests/ODIs and we would never know what conspired behind the scenes that the ODI captaincy has been handed over to a lame duck candidate. I wouldn't jump the gun until they announce the test captain. Wait and watch!
RE:Backward Cricket Committee of India!
by Ajit Pai on Sep 19, 2007 12:54 AM Permalink
With due respects to your opinion, I still beg to differ from you. Yes Mr.Pawar is a minister, but his views are not taken into consideration in a team selection meeting. Had Mr.Pawar had anything to with that, he would have chosen Tendulkar ahead of Dhoni. I know many a people who have been writing against so called Marathi lobby must be disappointed now, since they dont have anything to rant about. Yuvraj could have been made a captain, but he has still made it to the test team. Hence Dhoni was the only logical choice. I am not a big Dhoni fan. But we have to be fair here. Dhoni was made captain because of his cricketing ability and NOT because he belongs to SC/ST.
RE:Backward Cricket Committee of India!
by jamura on Sep 19, 2007 12:21 AM Permalink
he as hole so what if he is of backward caste and backward state ,jst mind your own business .
RE:Backward Cricket Committee of India!
by Kabir D on Sep 19, 2007 12:27 AM Permalink
Gopal Krishna, you are such a moron! Your text is the best exmaple of the filth you have in your system. Grow Up! Kiddo! you really need help!
RE:Backward Cricket Committee of India!
by p arjun on Sep 19, 2007 12:00 AM Permalink
oh my gopal krishna, if you are thinking of "backward" in everything then look at your ID (i don't think this is your name), gopal krishna is the name of Krishna and he is believed to be from backward community yadava. so try to remove these kind of vulgar beliefs and thoughts and try to be a human being.