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So Funny
by derc cruse on Nov 26, 2007 02:02 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is so funny to watch the comments. When Ganguly and Sachin play good, it is team effort and we are Indian. However, when they play bad- comments specially from southies: It is fault of Maratha Sachin and Bengalee Sourav. Same thing happens when Dravid does some good-so funny. Fisrt decide what you wanna say then keep it constant. I guess envy cannot be tolerated.

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  RE:So Funny
by on Nov 26, 2007 02:25 AM   Permalink
Dravid is marathi by the way...

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  RE:So Funny
by vinod on Nov 26, 2007 02:51 AM   Permalink
Dear PAL
I happened to visit this end of the netyard and stumpled upon your comment.I am an Indian with no boundaries of north and south but I realise with sadness how much divided we are at heart if not in the name of religion or caste then regions.Dravid,Sachin and Gangulee are Indians and our common wealth.Let us not divide them and take pride. We may have objections regarding the selection procedure and very often in the past the in form players found hard to get in whereas some others by virtue of their 'connections' remained in the team(not of sachin or ganguly).There was no outcry over this and gradually Kapil dev took the initiative to launch ICL which holds promise for hundreds of new talents.Well,I have gone a bit out of the topic but what I mean to every reader is to learn to be an Indian first and then you choose whom you want to become.Let us learn to unite and not try to divide this great land of ours.

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India lose early wicket chasing 203