by rohit forbes on Nov 06, 2007 12:21 PM Permalink
dravid needs rest man...let him take rest and roar back like a lion for the aussies series....dont give up on people...dravid is at his best in overseas pitches....
by rohit forbes on Nov 06, 2007 12:29 PM Permalink
forget man....instead pf breaking heads...letz see on the pitch..u people will not be there in the forum ...if sachin plays good innings on 8th...wait and see
by rohit forbes on Nov 06, 2007 12:35 PM Permalink
yep dude thatz the best thing to that we are in good form and good lead...we can thrash pakis
by sabyasachi ghosh on Nov 07, 2007 04:40 AM Permalink
Dravid "ROARING LIKE LION"???????!!!!! haha. A lion that eats Idli/Sambar for breakfast lunch and dinner. good one!