I feel Ganguly is no more useful even as a player; leave alone Captain. He neither has the capacity to play nor the capability to lead. Dhoni should keep this in mind for international Cricket if Indian team should create an impact.
RE:Ganguly is a Liability
by puja parashar on Nov 06, 2007 10:44 AM Permalink
Though i also personally don't like his batting from quite sometime...but todays match was altogether different ganguly..you just can't blame him in this match..he was great though his strike rate wasn't as good as gambhir's but whoever has seen the match would definitely agree that he was the dominating person there. As far as comparison of captaincy is concerned I would like to know how would have Dhoni got such a team..before comparing any captain just compare the teams that these two had as captain..As a captain you are tested most when you are on the verge of defeat and dhoni hasn't faced much of it except maybe this tour of australia here where he did ok but do you remember how ganguly had taken it on australia on india's tour to australia..which shows his real character and he really was an excellent captain as he managed such record with that sort of team and it was him who had urged for youngsters like yuvi, bhajji, kaif and pathan. And lastly how could you forget whatever record he had also had wins with the wonder boy of cricket parthiv patel who was wicket keeper for a long enough time in his captaincy, I can bet if he plays for australia they will definitely loose the match.
RE:Ganguly is a Liability
by jaguar tech on Nov 06, 2007 11:27 AM Permalink
Ganguly definitely has the right attitude for the game and we require it in loads when we visit Australia. He was the guy who sculpted the present team out of rubbish of match fixing in 2000 and made us into a match winning outfit which at one time was ranked as high as 2nd in ODI ranking. Sometimes the politics off the field can affect your performance if you dont understand ask Dravid who was forced to step down from captaincy so that he can be unceremoniously dumped. Do you think they could have touched him if he was the captain. there is a strong lobby against Ganguly also I fear if you go by Vengsarkar's statement.
RE:Ganguly is a Liability
by Lotiya Pathan on Nov 06, 2007 09:46 AM Permalink
Reporter, Your comments are baseless. I agree, dhoni must be captain and presently, he id doing fine job. However, as a player ganguly is a fine batsman. he is playing well. Agree, if ganguly fails in 5 or 6 innings continously, he should be shown door as well like dravid.
RE:Ganguly is a Liability
by bibhash singh on Nov 06, 2007 09:19 AM Permalink
Are u expecting him score a hundred each time he comes in the middle... will u go and do this for Indis... or who else u suggest... He is still a valuable player for the team, we have insulted him enough, since his comeback he is playing superb, and dont forget his contribution as captain..
RE:Ganguly is a Liability
by veerivenkatanarendra on Nov 06, 2007 08:42 AM Permalink
Who might have given a better start than ganguly at the situation when india lost tendulkars wicket early. ganguly kept his calm and given a good start to the indian team
RE:Ganguly is a Liability
by Ashish Kumar on Nov 06, 2007 10:22 AM Permalink
True, Ganguly is not the same what he was a decade ago but his talents and experience together provide for enough. All his his substitutes have failed against quality fast bowling. At least he contributes seizable amount of runs at a strile rate of 70 plus and faces best of the bowling without too much difficulty.
RE:Ganguly is a Liability
by Mature Stud on Nov 06, 2007 10:39 AM Permalink
dont bother to reply to reporter...he is a known dravid idli...sale ullu ke patthe
RE:Ganguly is a Liability
by amitesh sinha on Nov 06, 2007 09:00 AM Permalink
BOSS WHAT UR SEEING THE CURRENT TEAM IT PARTIALLY DUE TO GANGULY..& HE NEVER LET US DOWN IF U SEE THE PAST ONE YEAR AFTER DROPPING ...statistics says india never produce before the aggrasive captain like him before... otherwise our youngster still playing some where Ranji trophy & duleep trophy..