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setting examples
by Shenoy on Mar 30, 2007 03:21 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

At last there is one sensible city in our cricket crazy Nation. We should understand that abusing and insulting players is not how we react to situations like these... Such reactions would only have a negative impact.

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  RE:setting examples
by pranava rahul patil on Mar 30, 2007 03:31 PM   Permalink
whats wrong in abusing them? They are representing more than a billion people and on top of that they are cashing in on the popularity viz. look at the number of endorsements. Do u think they dont get paid enough for playing a single one-day? The least they can do is to put up a decent performance. Looking at the way they played against Bangladesh, does one really believe that they were playing their hearts out to win. Overconfidence was the cause of their downfall. Anyway I truly beleive that they are answerable for their irresponsible actions. If you dont perform or atleast try to then u should be reprimanded.

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  RE:setting examples
by on Mar 30, 2007 03:39 PM   Permalink
How can you boast the city which had booed our own cricket team.. All your citymates are happy that Ganguly top scored in all the matches.. where as he never played for the cause of the team. He was responsible for poor team spirit which was evident in the team. It seems he is more motivated to promote his sponsers 'Puma' rather than showing the team spirit by wearing team's travel jersies which the other team members wore when they landed in India. Good bye Ganguly.. you have made enough wealth by fooling all your statemates, including your politicians.. and you have cost us this world cup.. Better you look after your restaurant and stop playing cricket for the sake of millions of cricket followers in our country.

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Warm welcome for Ganguly