RE:Message to Anti-Bengalis
by rajanikant das on Mar 30, 2007 06:13 PM Permalink
sorry!! for those who has gone one step ahead to see & propagate the regionalistic feeling b'cos of the defeat in WC. Now the question is when ll we learn to be mature enough to take a game as a game. Unfortunately, We do not bother( or think it's a game) about all serious things that happens in this country But we definitely serious about a loss or win of a game.
RE:Message to Anti-Bengalis
by AAA on Mar 30, 2007 06:15 PM Permalink
come on kaustav, be sport and instead of reporting abuse, try to digest the facts
RE:Message to Anti-Bengalis
by koushik basu on Mar 30, 2007 06:21 PM Permalink
Hey Mr AAA, Talking about bengal Comeon, tell us from which state you are? Then we will tell you how to be a sport and digest the facts... let's see if you have the guts to tell the truth first?
RE:Message to Anti-Bengalis
by AAA on Mar 30, 2007 06:27 PM Permalink
It doesnot matter from which state I am. I am not stupid like you all to catogerise India in different states. Moreover I belong to such a part of india where no one is spare if he has shown India down. Whether it is dravid, sachin ganguly or someone else. We are not as bais as you all.
RE:Message to Anti-Bengalis
by Lion on Mar 30, 2007 06:34 PM Permalink
I fully endorse your views. I have seen many guys posting anti Bengali or anti south feelings, sometimes I feel India is much more racial then the western countries. Shame on us we Indians.