Entire preparation of WC world cup wasted by inclusion of this guy. He is a shrude politician and knows very well when to do what. That's why he was so cool even after WC exit. Actully someone told me about it when he was added to S africa tour. I didn't beleive that time but now yes...
RE:don't write poetry
by ABC XYZ on Apr 03, 2007 01:29 AM Permalink
Dear Mr. Krik
When Entire India Team was sweating in South Africa, this shrewd guy was the top scorer with consistent scoring. B.T.W learn English first. It's not shrude, it's shrewd. You are the biggest fool who cannot handle reality. Ganguly has proven his worth after his comeback. You and your Ganguly bashing mates may keep on bragging about how selfish, mean guys he is. But, you know what, as long as he performs, no Chappel, Dravid, Dungarpur, et al can do any harm to him. At best you loosers will post hate mails in rediff.
RE:don't write poetry
by Nehal on Apr 03, 2007 05:38 AM Permalink
Yes, He was top scorer against bagladesh. You know what, he scored 66 runs in 21 overs and scared all the players. I am totally agree with krik. All the other players are also share the blame but this guy is the best possible reason for dibacle of team India. Jai Hind
RE:don't write poetry
by krik on Apr 03, 2007 06:56 AM Permalink
keep on checking spelling and writing about ganguly...what else you got??? no one wants to thrash anyone out but it is yu guys who want to stand out of the rest of India by praising him like a lord. it seems that you need more acid reducer than anyone else
by krik on Apr 03, 2007 06:59 AM Permalink
my last message was for abc xyz..look at the name doesn't want to leave any alphabet also----abc to xyz
RE:RE:don't write poetry
by amar on Apr 03, 2007 01:12 PM Permalink
well said krik... looks like he likes checking grammar and spelling, no wonder he is called ABC ...XYZ :-)
RE:don't write poetry
by Saibaskar Parthasarathy on Apr 04, 2007 10:06 AM Permalink
Ganguly ran like a hare oops!! wrong spelling i meant hair.. with no great disrespect to Darrel Hair.. and it contributed extremely in India's victory over bangladesh and Srilanka
RE:don't write poetry
by Malakpet Rowdy on Apr 04, 2007 02:57 AM Permalink
I think it's "losers" not "loosers" :))
English apart, I do agree with the fact that Ganguly did beter than other players. If he scored slowly in WC what were others doing? Throwing their wickets away?
RE:don't write poetry
by prodosh sen on Apr 04, 2007 05:47 AM Permalink
It is for you kind of 'guys'India play as regionals. You are from which province /region?