by amit pandey on Mar 30, 2007 04:29 PM Permalink
and you must be illegal bangladeshi, or if indian bengali than that kind of bengali whose only concern is that ganguly should make run even if he makes it in selfish way slower way leading to defeat, i think you bengali eat fish but fish has more brain than you people
by paper india on Mar 30, 2007 04:41 PM Permalink
Me Bihari, U bengali ! Pandey, can you people rise above this nonsense ? Aren't we discussing cricket here ? And if you think Ganguly played badly in the World Cup, you seem to know nothing about cricket.
by paper india on Mar 30, 2007 04:37 PM Permalink
Anil, Bengal produced more freedom fighters than rest of India put together. Your irrelevant post taking a dig at Bengal is in bad taste and displays your culture and poor upbringing. Please refrain from such nonsensical messages and don't display your uncouthness so shamelessly. Stick to cricket when it is cricket. No one is happy with India's poor show. Ganguly received a warm welcome because he was one glitter of hope in the otherwise dark cloud that encompassed us through the campaign. He still has some cricket left in him. Lets hope for India's sake that he is put back in the saddle and asked to help India come out from the dumps. Remember, he led India to its most successful WC campaign after Kapil. And, yes, I am not a Bengali.
by Raj on Mar 30, 2007 04:28 PM Permalink
so whole nation should be sad also because pakistan(former part of india) is out and they have killed their coach...