Hi I think saurav ganguli needs to be in politics not in indian Cricket. He will be good politician bz he knows how to play games with indian pplz including begali ..
RE:Saurav Ganguli deserves to be politiician not cricketer
by Santa Gupta on Mar 30, 2007 05:45 PM Permalink
Some crazy folks like you basically ruins the Indian cricket and cricketers. First feel the guts of a player like Ganguly who fought all the odds to regain the position in the squad then have the audacity to comment on him.
RE:Saurav Ganguli deserves to be politiician not cricketer
by arijit roychoudhury on Mar 30, 2007 05:47 PM Permalink
You must be crazy else u wouldn't have made this comment.
RE:Saurav Ganguli deserves to be politiician not cricketer
by AAA on Mar 30, 2007 05:36 PM Permalink
absolutely correctly quoted. He can only lpay for himself.
RE:Saurav Ganguli deserves to be politiician not cricketer
by Suvodip Sarkar on Mar 30, 2007 05:40 PM Permalink
Rahul... I don't think you watch cricket games. Ur comments does'nt have any basic thought behind. Just think about it!!!
RE:Saurav Ganguli deserves to be politiician not cricketer
by Nilanjan Chatterjee on Mar 30, 2007 05:47 PM Permalink
These days are not the days of Gandhigiri, so if Sourav has done politics then he has done the right thing, because it stands TIT for TAT.