No doubt Ganguly proved that he is not done yet. But tell me any non-bengali who praises more than Ganguly deserves. Why is it that W.Bengal is the only state whoose people cannot go beyond the mentality of being regional. Even when the whole world was against Ganguly these blind followers were supporting him. In contrast of Maharashtrians who strongly critisize Tendulkar when he is wrong. Why all these babu moshais are so narrow in their approach. Grow Up guys , Be proud of the nation to which you belong and not just the state. Its the nation which comes into picture not the state. No state is complete by itself.
by anand iyer on Mar 30, 2007 08:45 PM Permalink
I am not a Bengali...I ADMIRE GANGULY for his leadership skills., his fighting ability to raise finger against the Pontings and Flintoffs...he is too good man...not like Dravid, who can only analyze once the failure is done....and Tendulkar, who has a mental issue with makin India win once he scores a 100 or 50..
by DEBASISH FirstCapital on Mar 30, 2007 10:37 PM Permalink
wat fighting skills, cant u remember how he showed up as injured before the match against australia on nagpur pitch which was a pure green track.
by Faceless Spirit on Mar 30, 2007 09:08 PM Permalink
You are cleaverly trying to put a stigma on Ganguly supporter branding them as Bengalis. I think this is a wrong notion. Gangulyy won the heart of millions who are not necessarily Bengalis.