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Warm Reception ???
by Ad Dave on Mar 30, 2007 03:44 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

When are these Bengalis going to be Indians ? They behave like an independent province that has been forcibly occupied by the Indian nation. All that matters is a Bengali should be given an undue status -- if not they start pelting stones at govt. properties. To be honest, Ganguly has not scored a single century after his arrival -- so what is this bro-ha-ha about -- as if he has broken Don Bradman's record ? I think Kolkattan's should have reprimanded him for not bringing the World Cup home -- but alas .... they have the mentality of tribals wherein all that matters is the man from their state to excel. The problem is, this mentality seems to be spreading all over India where everyone is expecting their state's person to be considered whether it is politics, cricket or even a business contract. These people seem to redefine India as a loose collection of unrelated identities totally hostile to each others progress or development --- Warm Regards,

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  RE:Warm Reception ???
by saptarshi bhattacharya on Mar 30, 2007 03:56 PM   Permalink
dude, get rid of this mentality.... u know what i mean.
Ad Dave???? ur name sounds more americanised than any "BONG" name anyway. so, lets not talk bout whos Indian n whos not? n ya, d cricket world cup isnt the end of d world....

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  RE:Warm Reception ???
by siddharth on Mar 30, 2007 04:02 PM   Permalink
yeah wats bengali n wats indian....?? u got ne idea about hw a nation shuld be?? part of the mass tribe ur the guyz who shuld understand that cricket is a game n the spirit is important.
it is u who shulld change ur obnoxious narrow views about independence and free will.
u think kolkatans shuld reprimand him shows u liv in an barbarian age hole.....u talk about mentality though u think u don't have a mind of your own...u feed on that abstract nothingness of something called india which u haven't understood a sh** about......
independence doesn't mean detachment mind you....people are still inter related n all of "us" need a space in this nation to "live" as a great and brave tribe. infact u depress the spirit of this great nation u hole....ur crystal mountains i hope are goin to be grounded soon ....n u dont giv space to others i say ur takin up too much space....n probs cuz of holes like u....the players have to be scared about and feel pressure for ur nothingness and not concentrate on the game.......
u talk about progress...get on to the ground and make sense first ...
cheerz for ur 'holistic' views mister..hope there r more around to 'beautify' india.

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  RE:Warm Reception ???
by Raja Basu on Mar 30, 2007 04:10 PM   Permalink
I really feel pity that you have such a wrong idea about the Bengali community. It is really shocking that even in the 21st century our society is suffering from such an acute social illiteracy. Shame on our education system, which produces such %u201Ceducated illiterates%u201D like you.

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  RE:RE:Warm Reception ???
by joy chakraborty on Mar 30, 2007 03:58 PM   Permalink
Hey Mr. Dave
How much committed r u fro your nation..I think you quite weak in history,please go and bursh up your knowledge

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Warm welcome for Ganguly