Dada has already proved his ability as a player by a great come back n next he will be the CAPATAIN of the indian team to revive it... He is only the LAST hope .... DRAVID has already become a total FAILURE as a just just wait n see.........
RE:Dada is the coolest guy
by prakash s on Mar 30, 2007 08:12 PM Permalink
YOur name suggests to you. Just shutup !! Becauses of his politics we lost.. you people had high hopes on that bugger. first he should be kicked out of the team.
RE:Dada is the coolest guy
by AAA on Mar 30, 2007 08:19 PM Permalink
gamguly is a very very cool guy. Indeed. He scored 66 in 129 balls and 7 in 23 balls. so coooooool. height of being cool