Since their beloved Saurav played better than any other Indian cricketers, Bengalis are happy. They seem little bothered about performance of the National Team! Height of jingoism. Its the Bengalis to blame and not Saurav.
RE:Jingoistic Begalis
by An Indian on Mar 30, 2007 06:00 PM Permalink
Sourav is an asset, not of West Bengal, whatever he has done as captainn, it is for India. I could not understand the reason for such jealousy. Yes, he is shrewed, he is politicin, that is why he is strategist and leader. The reader must read my posting, just posted with details and analyse.
RE:Jingoistic Begalis
by Abed Jani on Mar 30, 2007 06:04 PM Permalink
So you think if everyone in the airport waiting with their shoes in hand to beat Ganguly then Benaglis would become very patriotic? And Indians are never very nationalist. We Indians think only about our states and we are all more or less communal - just do not show it. So do not try to pretend that you are not.
RE:Jingoistic Begalis
by on Mar 30, 2007 05:50 PM Permalink
Suman, Well, I guess you could have expected that, after the India VS South Africa ODI at Eden isn't it ? In Bengal the so called cricket loving public aren't cricket loving but Bengal cricketer loving. I guess Andhra Pradesh could have reacted the same way, after VVS Laxman's episode not just in this world cup but also in the previous world cup But as mentioned this behavious is special to Bengal!
RE:Jingoistic Begalis
by ABHIJIT CHAKRABORTY on Mar 30, 2007 06:02 PM Permalink
Suppose say, we agree that our team has failed, what shall we do, shall we throw stone egg on them like you all did. If you fail in your examination does your loved ones throws stone at you. What a poor thinking.