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The Great Indian Cricket Team
by girija sankar on Feb 14, 2007 03:01 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

When Sehwag repeatedly shown that he had lost his form, why the selectors are trying him again and again. I think some loby is behind it. After whether one performs or not they get enough and enough money. No accountability and responsibility. Their remuneration should be purely based on performance. The front line batsman should score a minimum of 50 runs. Remuneration should only be paid, if they score beyond 50 runs. There are plenty of talents in each State. Let us a form a number of national teams from the best players from the States. Why only Sewhag, Sachin, Dravid and the like only.We are really bored. Are they sincere to the game and country????

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  RE:The Great Indian Cricket Team
by Praveen B on Feb 14, 2007 03:10 PM   Permalink
:) How can put like that..?
What if a front batsmen make a good contribution, say 40 runs (less balls) in the last stages of the match ?? or if he makes 25 runs when the team needed it to win in 10 balls? Don't he get any remuneration?

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