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Sehwag Selection
by Sairamesh Mudaliar on Feb 14, 2007 03:58 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Looking at the way Sehwag has been performing, he will clearly need to silence the critics and justify his selection - which he hasn't yet lived upto. Wonder at this rate what he will do in the Windies.

Whilst, God should bless him, he should also grant us the fans of Indian Cricket the courage to bear the under performance of not only Sehwag but the rest as well.

This, particularly so when the expectations are sky high.

Rgds - Sairamesh

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  RE:Sehwag Selection
by Ramah Guru on Feb 14, 2007 04:06 PM   Permalink
Why don't we "Rest" (a polish word used nowadays, before officially dropped), Sehwag and Sachin, till 2nd round of WC matches.

- G

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  RE:Sehwag Selection
by Daison Garvasis on Feb 14, 2007 04:20 PM   Permalink
Well, Sehwag is not Sachin. Remember before lat world cup everybody was after Sachin's blood for not performing and the bowlers were picking on him on the pre-match words war. He silenced them all with a series of performances. Now let's see what Sehwag can do and if he can do something like that, we can assume the "resting" did work as it did work in the case of Ganguly. Look at the way Ganguly is performing these days. It will be intersting to see what is Ganguly's average since his return to One Dayers. I wont be surprised if it is above 50!

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