RE:VVS laxman
by satish upadhyay on Feb 14, 2007 07:38 PM Permalink
Can you guys plz forget VVS laxman let him enjoy with his family. How many matched he have won for India except agains Aussies.... Common now stop talking about him he is finish cant even run.
RE:RE:VVS laxman
by kajuluri chakravarthy on Feb 14, 2007 10:29 PM Permalink
the fun part in most world cup matches australia always (most times) defeated india.So playing well against australia isn't so bad
RE:VVS laxman
by navin kumar on Feb 14, 2007 06:20 PM Permalink
that would be a super choice!! these buggers always overlook VVS.. WI is not an easy ground play! one should be technically sound n VVS is sound!its sad that he has been sidelined n a worthless soul like sehwag has been included
RE:RE:VVS laxman
by navin kumar on Feb 14, 2007 06:31 PM Permalink
ya ket kaif be there as a substitute fielder!in this wat both batting n fielding can be improved!