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Dravid a Poor Captain and a Demotivator
by Sam beledona on Feb 14, 2007 01:29 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dravid is to Blame for Srilanka scoring above 225 after Zaheer Gave a Rollicking Start 6/3WoW!

Dravid has been taking Team India from one defeat to another he came into Team India captaincy with a coup staged by Him, Chapell and More with the likes of Durgandhpur and support of the lungis. The Team was at No 2 position in one dayers Just after Australia and more than 16 months India is below Pakistan in the last 3. He talks big about experiments and what not. He has a miserable sad face always looks constipated and for him smiling does not happen to be a part of Human emotions. He is a poor motivator and mumbles in press interviews. Why should he be retained in Team India. He is out of form so why not rest him. Let him prove is next domestic season till such time get laxman, Kaif,Raina or Powar in the Team.

He blames Sachin and Ganguli for Team Indias Defeat in Rajkot. where both scored a 100 partnership and both were highest scorers for India. Ganguly played with a Injury and sachin was in his classical best. Rahul scored a magnanimous 5

He insisted for Kumble though kumle cant field nor bat and he is definitely not a good option for one days. He is supporting him because he is his buddy.

Rahul may not be sacked but warned and dropped for a few matches so that he gets some signals and even after that if he continues to score 5 drop him.

Poor Pawar he got a raw deal although he performed par excellence. NOT FAIR DRAVID

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  RE:Dravid a Poor Captain and a Demotivator
by Mannu on Feb 14, 2007 01:38 PM   Permalink
Critisizing some one is good so that the person can rectify the mistake. but tell me how one person can be responsible for SL scoring above 225 after a dismal Start at 6/3? he can put the players to field or bowl or so. but then its upto the player to perform. and if you dont have atleast 5 full-fledged bowlers in the team so what one can do! and is only Dravid responsible for the team selection! and as its has been discussed in yesterdays newspaper(ToI), Dravid batting form is 2nd best after Dhoni in indian team as far as LAST 10 MATCHES are concerned. (have a look on yesterdays ToI, Sports page).
Before one start critisising one should keep oneself in the shoes of the person ion ques. then you'll find Dravid is not faring as bad as your article is portrying.

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  RE:Dravid a Poor Captain and a Demotivator
by pravin nahata on Feb 14, 2007 01:44 PM   Permalink
perfect judgement buddy.
the experimentation went by too far & too long, ruining great prospects like laxman, kaif, raina etc. indian cricket is poorer today.
i don't know who will prowl the covers, mid off & point region in thier absence. i guess kumble will be entrusted to guard at least 2 of these positions, the great lion hearted trier that he is.
the best part is if anyone throws at the stumps during kumble's bowling & it marginally misses the stumps, he gets wild at the fielder for missing the stumps. while it should be him to backup at the stumps & effect a run out, which he invariably misses.
great lion hearted trier from karnataka (b'lore) that he is.
shame how people promote a particlar region or a player & throw out insultingly a proven performer at the cost of the game itself.
what wrong have the others done to be not able to find a place in the WC team. what use is a coach if he is not able to develop a good player like raina & kaif into better players. if they are not able to learn then why do we need a coach at all. even a captain & the selection process is good enough.
isn't it?
if laxman is not fit enough to run fast enough & is not an athletic fielder then do away with the trainers & psychos. & reduce the ticket cover charges so that more people are able to watch cricket than the current ticket prices allow.
we need some really radical changes in the whole system

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  RE:Dravid a Poor Captain and a Demotivator
by cheripadi yatheen on Feb 14, 2007 01:45 PM   Permalink
You just don't know anything about cricket.

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  RE:RE:Dravid a Poor Captain and a Demotivator
by Mannu on Feb 14, 2007 01:47 PM   Permalink

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